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About Taking 5

Rock 'n' Roller Coaster - Orlando, Florida


Taking 5 brings together holidays and outings with a particular focus on families of 5 or more.

Finding information about holidays or short breaks suitable for families larger than the standard 2 adults and 2 children can be a lengthy, disjointed and frustrating task. Taking5.com aims to simplify the process.

The website was created after Jane Batt, realised how her family’s travel options were diminished once they became a family of five. Taking 5 is a central information point for family holidaye, collating helpful travel information for larger and extended families, as well as the occasional child-free recommendation. Holiday reviews, tips and guide videos are shared with the aim of guiding larger families towards great holiday experiences.

Jane’s was a professional video producer for almost 20 years before going on to develop websites. She loves any excuse to get her hands on a camera, so watch this space for video reviews of her latest holiday recommendations!


Jane has 3 sons, born in 2004, 2006 and 2008. She is Bristol Travel Massive joint chapter leader and is also responsible for the successful family travel and events website www.practicallyperfectmums.co.uk

She has an established social media following on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+, Facebook and Pinterest. As the writer of a top 500 parenting blog, she’s regularly approached by PR companies and brands to review holidays and experiences. She’s part of a broad network of family influencers and is a member of the Trips 100, TOTS 100, Netmums Bloggers Network, Social Fabric and Mumsnet Bloggers network.

Taking 5 has a DA of 23, a PA of 35, a Mozrank of 5.2  and Jane has over 11,000 social media followers and 7000 subscribers in total.
(July 2017)

If you would like to talk to Jane about having a holiday, event or travel related product featured on Taking 5 or would like any more information about how we might be able to help promote your brand, please email Jane in the first instance on jane @ taking5. com